Holiday mindset

Let’s talk about some ways to change your mindset ahead of the situation to lessen stress over this season.
Sara Carter
November 3, 2022
Holiday mindset

Each year we have high expectations for the holiday season- we want to see our friends and families, go shopping, give people the perfect gift, have beautiful decorations, and enjoy tasty food.

In reality, we can end up stressed, over-eating and drinking too much, irritated with our friends and family, mulling over what to get people and pressed for time to get those decorations and food done.


The older I get, the more I realize we have more power over how we feel about things than we allow ourselves to employ.

Let’s talk about some ways to change your mindset ahead of the situation to lessen stress over this season.

Instead of being mad about something a friend of family member always does, think about how they add value to your life.

For instance, you have that one person who always likes to bring up sensitive topics (like politics or religion) which inevitably sparks an argument.

Instead of being irritated try this:




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