Melinda North

Melinda North

Lead Nutrition and Mindset Coach, Group Fitness Coach


CrossFit L1, Crossfit L2

HSN Certified Nutrition Coach

HSN Certified Kids Nutrition Coach

PN L1 Coach

TBB Certified Mindset Coach

Currently working on PN SSR Certification (Sleep, Stress, Recovery)

About Coach

As a teen, I ran cross-country and played soccer in high school. I got to learn more about myself and learn how to work as a team which was a priceless life lesson for me. However, I never had any energy and I was injured all of the time(keep reading to find out why). After high school-- the thought of exercise and fitness never even crossed my mind, mostly because I didn't realize people worked out if they were a part of a team and the other part was because of my lack of energy in those sports in high school. FAST FORWARD--as an adult, the reason I started working out in the first place was to see if it would help manage my anxiety. There were many aspects of my daily life that were disrupted or affected because of my anxiety- I had to do something. (Taking medication did not go so well in the past so I was fearful of trying that again. I decided to try out a "new" to our area type of fitness called CrossFit and instantly fell in love. It was hard and I was REALLY bad at it, but it was FUN. My anxiety started to get a little bit better so to say I was hooked is an understatement. I was still struggling with my energy levels-- like why do all these people around me have all this energy AND I DON'T???

Turning Point

At the time I was in school to become a teacher and realized that the workouts were also helping me focus on my studies, but I still struggled with energy. Due to my crazy school schedule, I had to start preparing my food and snacks to bring with me because I did not have much money and I couldn't afford to go hungry or to keep buying takeout. WOW--- It took me about 6 months and joining Portside Fitness as a member to realize that I had a lot of energy in my workouts and that I was actually pretty good at these types of movements and workouts. Within that same time frame, Sara decided to host a nutrition challenge at the gym where she started talking about how much nutrition helps with energy, progress, etc. Talk about a light bulb moment-- I realized the reason I had more energy was that my food quality was better and I was consistent with my meal times. I have a natural tendency to help others and my passion for fitness and nutrition morphed me first into a group coach and then into a nutrition coach. It wasn't until I took a mindset course that I realized how much everything we do is based on our mindset. Our thoughts control what we view as successes, how we feel while we are working on our goals, and what actions we take. TOTAL GAME CHANGER!

Motivation & Passion

My purpose for coaching is to help others figure out why they are struggling with their energy, workouts, confidence, and a new mindset. You can't work on part of the solution- you have to work on the entire solution and I love being the guide for those wanting change. My biggest achievement as a coach is learning a holistic approach and working on one healthy habit at a time. It doesn't have to feel unrealistic or unmanageable-- it should be the opposite. The easier it is the more likely you are to keep it for a lifetime and we know that 90-100% consistency with one small action will produce bigger results over time that are manageable for a lifetime.

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